Friday, June 27, 2008
Individualism vs Collectivism

We’ve all just learnt about Individualism vs Collectivism.

Personally, I think that there’s no pure individualist. There’s someone I know, who puts himself above others, he studies like there’s no tomorrow and if he comes up to you and said “I went out yesterday to catch a movie”, I would be certain the sky had fallen and doomsday is imminent.

The incident that I remember the best is that he once told his only friend (“XX”), “Do not sit beside me.” In poly, we had to change classes every year or semester, and finally during the second last semester of the course, he was finally in the same class as XX (actually more of a living thing he was seen with other than his school bag and textbooks).

The first reaction you would expect would be glee, instead, he was unhappy about it, and then told XX the alarming sentence.

Till here, we can see he has disturbingly low dependency, he doesn’t care about any living thing. His goals, attitudes and values are of personal benefit.

Factors of an Individualist
Yes, he speaks freely, offending most people in his path
Honesty – I doubt. He often lies about the most retarded things
Social recognition – I highly doubt if he even needs it
Hedonism – His luxuries are his expensive textbooks and indulges in winning others academically
Rewards – yes, he’d love that

This person would be what I expected to be the most individualistic and most extreme.
In my opinion, there isn’t a distinct separation between individualism and collectivism. The two would overlap in some way or another. Being an individualist or collectivist would just be based on majority of the factors instead of purely possessing one side.

Y 12:00 AM