Saturday, July 12, 2008
Comms Presentation

Finally, Communications project is done.

I would like to refer back to my ## post (hahaha) regarding fillers.

During the presentation, many of us use fillers. Could be due to nervousness that made us forget what we were trying to say, or could be due to what we forgot to say that made us nervous. =]

The most popular filler would be “erm” and “actually”. “Erm” is a very common filler. We use it in our everyday life, when we try to put something across but we need more time to think about it or when we fail to draw a clearer picture for the other party.

Anyway, this is just a short post to record what I discovered.

Good job people. *Claps*

ps, I realised I forgot to add comments section or a tagboard for people to comment! =O

Y 11:35 AM